Thursday, October 17, 2013

As the role of Mullah Faizullah

"No, no, Mariam jo..." 

“I have known your mother when she was a young girl. She had a rough youth. Now, your loved one has escaped from all worldly suffering that once was around her.It is not your fault. Your mother chooses the path, and that's her decision. There is nothing you can do to bring her back.”

“You will need to let the time carries the sorrow away and move on. Your mother will want you to live in that way. Our god will lead her to a better place where there’s no more suffering, and you should be happy for her. There is a reason why your mother is taken away. You may not see a reason right now, but it will come to you when you get older.”

“Now, you are at the age of 15, is the time you need to be independent. I will try to be there whenever you need me, but you see I am an old man and I will not always be able to stay beside you. I will pass away eventually. You need to be strong enable to live on your own.”

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