Monday, January 27, 2014

Responding to the Streetcar Named Desire dramatic readings

My strength as a speaker is that I spoke with a great volume along with strong emotions. I tried to speak the dialogue in different speed because I wanted to mimicked the video I watched on Youtube about the scene I was reading.

My strength as listener is that I made annotation down on the book while the speakers read. I made annotation when I think it is important or significant in the play. I tried to construct the play inside my brain, simulating the atmosphere, positions of characters, musics, and others from the play, so I can understand more about the play without missing details.

My weakness as a speaker is that I did not use tone to communicate the sub-text while I read. The subtexts are important for me to emphasize because they are important and shouldn't be neglected.

My weakness as a listener is that I failed to pay full attention while the speaker read, meaning that occasionally I failed to draw down the important annotations.

My character's spine (Stanley): Do whatever he wants.

Evidence: "Oh! So you want some rough-house! All right, let's have some rough-house!"
                 "Tiger-tiger! Drop the bottle-top! Drop it! We've had this date with other from the                                  beginning!" (p.162)
Action (stage direction): Stanley raped Blanche like an animal in estrus.

I think I did strong while I read Stanley's dialogue, but it seemed like I failed to use tone expressing the sub-texts, which I have no idea what sub-texts are in this scene.

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