Wednesday, December 4, 2013

ENG 4U Novel Seminar Self-Evaluation

My Group's Topic: The East - West Schism: Influences of Afghan Culture in A Thousand Splendid Suns

In discussion, my strength as a communicator are I tried to keep the discussion running while i tried to lead the discussion into the direction that I want them to go through interpreting my idea, and have them expand on it. 

My strengths as a listener are I listen carefully and show my respect to the speakers. I participated in most of the discussions passionately. 

One oral communication goal i need to work toward is that I should manage my time wisely. I should have typed out the quotation I want the students to read on the handout, specifically the first point I provided, which was Titanic city (P.302 - 304). I should not have the reader reading that much because i ran out of time. 

In my written analysis, one goal i need to work toward is to make the paragraph for each supporting point a little bit shorter, so more time can be spent on discussion.

One thing Ms. Fournier should know about my presentation: 
I could have done better if I don't have the student reading a big section about Titanic city from p.302 - 304. I honestly think these points I provided, especially the Titanic city and AK 47 are two very interesting points to discuss because they are both significant in the book. 

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